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Posted on 07-09-20 09:28 AM, in your dreams Link | ID: 160659
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 734 days
Last view: 273 days
I had like 3 dreams, from waking up all the goddamn time. I remember bits.

parents' home, doing whatever. mom starts a plan of getting McD food for dinner.

visiting Kuribo64 on a large screen. I find out that shibs went and restarted Kuribo64, wiping it clean and all. he did take care to ensure my account was still #1. it was back in time? our usernames were old ones; I seemed to be StapleButter and he was MrRean (with unusual colors, mine was brown). there was a blog-like homepage, and an active SMG hacking community. I was concerned about getting a backup of all the old posts and making an archive, but apparently that was going to be fine.

Hydr8gon's apartment (or my subcon's imagination of it). the place is actually nice... there's a table in the room, with several unknown people gathered around it. dunno what happens there...

a friend's apartment? dunno who that friend is. of the people present there, the only one I know is one of my IRL trans friends. we're here for dinner or smth.

the apartment layout is weird, there's a straight hallway and several rooms branching from it in a weird maze fashion, and somehow, when getting at the end of it, you're back to the entrance??

at some point I get around in a wheelchair, because my right knee hurts (might have been inspired by how I crapoed my shoulder yesterday and it still hurts). no idea why it goes that far tho? I mean, I can walk fine. hell, in the dining room, I let go of the wheelchair and sit in a regular chair. they have to add another one because they thought I'd stick to the wheelchair. my trans friend is at the other side, sitting in his typical curled-up manner.


Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 07-15-20 09:46 AM, in your dreams Link | ID: 160806
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 734 days
Last view: 273 days

on a vacation trip with parents and sister. we go to a weird hotel where our room is basically 3 floors. it's more like an apartment complex tho?

anyway we have bedrooms on the last two floors of that thing, and it's weird, second floor has showers too (and I take a shower) but far away in some large, mostly empty space...


at some point in this same dream, I'm now in crapo-grandpa's house, with quite a few people around and shit going on... and I'm trying to masturbate (yes..), I'm mostly just rubbing my glans through my clothes but otherwise the process is complete with my dream-mind accompanying it... it feels entirely real.

but, that's the thing, I can never find a spot to do it without being noticed. I go around the house, even going out, but no, there are always people who're gonna notice.

eventually I lock myself in the bathroom. friends try to barge in, but I push them out (and feel a bit bad about doing so). I close the door, only to find that another friend popped up near the toilet stall. she talks about whatever things, but I don't care anymore at this point, I'm just gonna continue jerking off. and I eventually orgasm...

... and wake up because I orgasmed IRL.

the experience was unsettling but it felt quite good.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 07-25-20 06:22 PM, in ask metal64 Link | ID: 161031
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 734 days
Last view: 273 days
are there even 64 different metals? (not counting alloys)

how often do you fart a day?

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 07-25-20 11:51 PM, in ask metal64 Link | ID: 161047
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 734 days
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was my previous post invisible?

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 07-26-20 12:02 AM, in the thread has farted Link | ID: 161048
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 734 days
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Posted by Danika
Least favorite Mario game?

any of those that have kilometers upon kilometers of dialogue and shit

Posted by DarkWitchClaire
how long do you usually sleep?

when I'm not stuck in capitalist temporality, I enjoy a solid 8-9 sleep

Posted by Danika
Most unfair Super Mario 64 hack you ever played?

I haven't played any, so I could hardly answer that question

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 07-26-20 12:41 AM, in ask metal64 Link | ID: 161053
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 734 days
Last view: 273 days
o, I just learnt something there

have you been, or are you, studying chemistry?

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 07-29-20 09:32 AM, in your dreams (rev. 2 of 07-29-20 09:41 AM by Arisotura) Link | ID: 161244
Level: 84

Posts: 1848/1868
EXP: 5443061
Next: 218891

Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 734 days
Last view: 273 days
bunch of whacked out shit.



parents' home, all family is gathered for Christmas and the house is very well decorated.

thing is, it's a completely nonsensical arrangement chronologically:

* it's taking place in their old kitchen, and my cousins are 5-10 years younger than in reality, so this seems to be taking place in the past
* yet, they know that I'm trans (which wasn't a thing until 2017)
* crapo-grandpa is here too (he's dead now) and he has trouble with my transness

anyway, at some point I grab dessert from the fridge... there are these dessert pouches, that contain a sort of cream you can drink, there are two flavors: 'white' and banana. I take a 'white' one, but it tastes weird...



near a pool, talking with my sister. apparently, a washing machine is as much luxury as a Ferrari.


I somehow end up in a parallel world that is like ours, except I'm tiny. I meet some inhabitants, talk with a 'little' girl... despite her being like 7x my height, I'm somehow stronger than her...

I suspect I ended up on a planet that is like Earth except bigger.

I'm eventually taken to my parents' home, but this time everything is normal size. I'm still pretty sure I ended up on some other planet. I wander around...

at some point, I call a friend, the signal is fairly bad (further proving that I'm on another planet??). but, right after, I browse the web and that works fine. weird


combing around in old shit. I get a 'Pomme d'Api' device, of all things (turn it on and it plays this). said device then turns out to be a genuine original Walkman (and looks more like a zippo lighter now). it has a number engraved on the bottom, something like 15471.


another dream part, but not coming back to memory right now...

o yeah there was a part taking place in crapo-grandpa's house, in his bedroom. family gathered there, maybe friends too? cuddling and hugging large friendly dogs.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 08-02-20 08:13 AM, in your dreams Link | ID: 161370
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 734 days
Last view: 273 days
whacked out shit w/ nested dream instance.

first part takes place at high school. apparently, I'm retaking the last two years, to get a new bac exam, even though some government reform made these shitty.

anyway, sitting in some weird graph thing class... it's boring af. teacher is mostly just drawing dots and some lines between them and there's some weird boring theory.

teacher also uses weird automated tools, like, an automated eraser brush that just repeatedly pummels the whiteboard. students are weird too, there's one who's barefoot, feet on the table, and three toes. between this and some fabricated 'memories' of middle school...

eventually we have to leave, and I take longer to pack my shit... I have a water bottle with me and all...


some later scene involves me taking bicalutamide on a bed in a weird (univ?) place. apparently you can die if you take it wrong...


I think the rest is a separated dream because I actually woke up... not sure.


parents' home. the cats are isolated in a separate room for some reason (they still have a cat flap so they can go out). I go in that room, see some of the familiar cats and some foreign ones.

but, sure enough, I accidentally let them into the rest of the house...

I go to the bedrooms where, sure enough, some have gone. I try to chase them away. end up in the corridor with some weird scene where some of them are fighting, and I'm scared now... falling to the floor, being dragged by something...


then 'waking up' with a 'woke up from nightmare' feel. I'm in the bedroom at my parents' home...

I decide to try sleeping again. just a quick lightheaded buzz and bam, I'm dreaming.

some place outdoors, apparently a student event. I'm near a wood-clad building that is supposed to be some bar, but it's closed.

I go inside said building. the dream has a 'lucid dream' feel, even though that's just my subcon fucking around with me. anyway, there's an old, dirty red terrazzo floor. there's a stair, so I go deeper down...

eventually it goes back outside. at that point I try to fly and shit. I end up 'waking up' again.

trying to go for a third dream, but nothing comes after the head buzz, so I assume I no longer need sleep, and get up.

next part is weird.

some people are doing some weird shit in my room... I tell my sister we've got a new bathroom.

I try to change clothes. which is when my parents have to barge in and ask for stupid shit...

like, mom has that pot full of cooked pasta and hot water, and wants me to help her strain the pasta (which is called 'clamousser' in the dream, she tells me I know better than her how to do it), they don't have a strainer so we're supposed to just hold some wooden piece above the pot and pray... she wants to do it right in my room, so I ask why we don't do it over the sink. she states that "it's greasy" (as in, she doesn't want the grease from the water to crap up the sink) and she would "rather do it in town". I take it we're gonna do it outside... but not before I have put on some clothes.

now dad is in too and wants me to help him snap off the end of a cutter blade...

I get confused and try to tell them "not everybody at once please".


later part of this dream involves IRC. I had a heated argument with someone in a private trans channel, which ended up with that person kicking me out. I assume I was banned so I try to use ChanServ to recover access to the channel and get power. I find out that nobody had actually registered the channel. somehow I make it back in, but everybody left -- only people left are spam accounts named 'yes' and 'no'.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 09-08-20 09:21 AM, in is getting on ssi unethical Link | ID: 162271
Level: 84

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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 734 days
Last view: 273 days
let's turn things in a different perspective.

know what's unethical? letting people starve in the streets because they're out of a job. we humans live as a society, we can and have to do better. (did you know that 1/3 of the world's food production goes to waste? now you know. same goes for housing -- this is not a question of means)

besides, there have been universal-income type experiments, and these have shown to have little to no effect on employment rates. they have also shown to help people's wellbeing, but all these shitbag politicians care about is employment rates, so... yeah.

I'm all for working when it comes to putting my skill and will at the service of my community. but when it comes to working for the sake of working, only because not doing so will get you starving in the streets? fuck that shit.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 10-25-20 02:53 PM, in your dreams Link | ID: 163102
Level: 84

Posts: 1859/1868
EXP: 5443061
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Since: 01-05-12
From: France

Last post: 734 days
Last view: 273 days
fun dream bits.


grandma's bedroom. trying to annoy my sister by playing the Pomme d'Api intro over and over again. (the dream rendition of it was jumbled and weird)


on some weird univ campus. there's a snack bar. I ask for some food item but they don't have it... later I'm in the queue, so apparently I'm getting something, don't remember what. I proceed to payment, but the credit card terminal glitches up. it turns out to be because there's that friend nearby, and she's radioactive (which makes sense in the dream, knowing her IRL), so that interferes with NFC somehow. she goes a little further away and this time payment works.

another bit in the same place. I have a project of opening a small snack bar thing, apparently automated somehow. I have a feel that it'll be redundant with the existing snack bar and vending machines, but go on anyway... I place some small machine in the spot I intend to take, and leave my backpack there.


I'm on a train, going to Tulle. I worry that I forgot my backpack where I'd left it previously, but apparently I didn't.


arriving in Tulle. I go visit an apartment, which I apparently just do alone like that.

I enter the building and climb the spiral staircase, to 4th floor or so. I enter the apartment, which is just open, and check it out. at that point I'm quite dizzy tho, can hardly walk. anyway the apartment looks more like a demo thing? it has complete furniture, and even a demo laptop of sorts sitting on a coffee table.

there's another apartment on the same floor, but I don't check it out...

I wander around, there's a lot more to the building, like, some (military?) commanding room for something... nobody really cares about me, but I get a sense I shouldn't be here, so I leave.


taking a train to go back home. apparently there are atleast 3 train stations in Tulle...

on the train, that girl starts talking to me, she seems to be attracted to me... she rubs my leg and compliments how smooth it is. it's not shaved tho, and my leg hair is unusually blond... but she doesn't mind. neither does she mind that we're surrounded by her friends.

then there's that weird tiny guy sitting next to her, starts talking about whatever, I don't remember, but he did give me a bad vibe.


I wake up. (had a feeling the part with the girl was too good to be true)

but decide to go back to sleep.


different dream but it somehow felt like a continuation of the previous (similar themes, etc)

anyway, I'm in some building with a friend. we get to a spot with many doors to small rooms or apartments or whatever. we enter one of those. there's some apartment furniture inside (which I don't really remember), and old desktop computers. we try turning them on, but all they do is do some weird boot sequence and sit on a blinking cursor. so we turn them off...

we think that we shouldn't stay here any longer, lest we get caught... I think about stealing some cables before leaving, but finally decide against it.

I look under the door, worrying that we're gonna get caught. I finally leave the room, ditching my friend in the process, but nobody seems to really notice me or care...

I go down an escalator. I meet that girl, who seems to be familiar (from previous dream?). she tells me I don't need to wear a mask, which feels me with intense euphoria...

... I wake up.

also, older fun dream:

<Arisotura> I dreamt of watching a Pomme d'Api video that had been dubbed to Polish or something
<Arisotura> but at some point it switched to French
<Arisotura> then the end credits roll had pics of kids, some taken from crapo-grandpa's house
<Arisotura> because he was close to some of the people involved in making the Pomme d'Api videos
<Arisotura> which all made little sense
<Arisotura> and, being at grandma's home for Christmas, but it was weird
<Arisotura> the house had problems like crapoed roof
<Arisotura> then we went to my parents' house, but I wasn't going with them
<Arisotura> instead, I wanted to go my own way, but then police took me in their car, but then one of the officers showed me a pic of where they were going to take me and that was my parents' house, so I figured it was fine
<Arisotura> then we were teleported to my parents' house. they didn't seem to notice or care that I was driven there by police. I found that weird.
<Arisotura> dad was in the courtyard and was tiny
<Arisotura> then there was weird shit, like, trying to find worthwhile clothes, asking my sister what her pant size was, but mine was bigger
<Arisotura> packing shit back for grandma's house again, but after getting in the car, I realize I forgot some things
<Arisotura> so mom stops and I go back to get my things, but it's weird
<Arisotura> eventually, back to grandma's house, I think that's when I notice the roof issues
<Arisotura> it's caused quite some damage and mold
<Arisotura> I go to grandpa's room and there's that girl on the bed with her big dog
<Arisotura> making the dog eat a dish of pasta with ham(?) and cream
<Arisotura> telling me about it, it's supposedly pasta for certain types of dog, close to 'wolf pasta' (??????)
<Arisotura> there was another bit that took place in the forest or whatever. clearing, with small basin thing
<Arisotura> some friends are here too, and we bathe
<Arisotura> one side of the basin is like those swimming pools, grating end that collects water and filters it
<Arisotura> I think that's where the Pomme d'Api diversion happened?

I don't usually recall much of these, these days, or when I do, it's too disjointed and weird to be put together into a somewhat coherent story

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?
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