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Main - General Forum - Kafuka Mosts 2018
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Posted on 11-28-18 11:53 AM, in (rev. 3 of 11-28-18 12:00 PM by Epele) Link | ID: 144557

Level: 16

Posts: 34/56
EXP: 19895
Next: 361

Since: 11-24-18

Last post: 2246 days
Last view: 2245 days
Welcome to the Mosts.
Voting will be up from now (28th November) until 23rd December 2018, giving you about a month to vote. Results should be released shortly after. Please vote for a maximum of three people in any one category, also please refrain from voting for yourself.

I probably won't do the voting again, because of uh... time, and the fact I wouldn't know how to tally them up. No worries though, I remember Epele doing so last time so...

On a final note: I cut down the categories this time so that it was a lot less redundant... enjoy!

Most friendly
Most helpful
Most hilarious
Most kawaii
Most lewd
Most honest
Most caring
Most missed
Most likely to start a spree

Best username
Best regular user
Best staffer
Best potential staffer
Best banned user

Best post layout
Best avatar
Best mood avatars
Best minipic
Best poster

Most artistically skilled
Most musically skilled
Most technically skilled

Most likely to succeed in life
Most likely to overthrow governments
Most likely to question life
Most likely to fall in love over a board member
Most likely to be an undercover alien

Posted on 11-29-18 03:58 AM, in Link | ID: 144587
Normal User

Level: 71

Posts: 689/1264
EXP: 3044831
Next: 122283

Since: 07-01-12

Last post: 1000 days
Last view: 20 days
Who do we PM to vote, then? Epele?

Posted on 11-29-18 11:58 AM, in (rev. 4 of 12-18-18 10:57 PM by Epele) Link | ID: 144589
Site Administrator
The Sorceress.

Level: 237

Posts: 19488/20774
EXP: 206850871
Next: 1128063

Since: 01-01-12
From: UK

Last post: 1116 days
Last view: 11 hours
Just place votes here. I'll fill mine later.

Most friendly - Nicole, Rambly
Most helpful
Most hilarious - Nicole
Most kawaii
Most lewd - ゼンガー・ゾンボルト, Nicole
Most honest
Most caring - Robbie Rage
Most missed - Lili~ ♥
Most likely to start a spree - Danielle

Best username
Best regular user - Rambly, Robbie Rage
Best staffer - Emuz, Nicole
Best potential staffer
Best banned user - Bill Cipher

Best post layout - Emuz
Best avatar - Rambly
Best mood avatars - Rambly
Best minipic - Nicole
Best poster - Robbie Rage

Most artistically skilled
Most musically skilled
Most technically skilled

Most likely to succeed in life - Emuz, KP
Most likely to overthrow governments - Arisotura
Most likely to question life
Most likely to fall in love over a board member - Thierry
Most likely to be an undercover alien - Emuz, Danielle

The world could always use more heroes!

Posted on 11-30-18 09:38 AM, in (rev. 5 of 12-14-18 03:02 AM by Rambly) Link | ID: 144640
Normal User

Level: 71

Posts: 700/1264
EXP: 3044831
Next: 122283

Since: 07-01-12

Last post: 1000 days
Last view: 20 days
aight mdudes. here's what i got so far, i'll edit this post with a big note saying that i'm done when i'm done
e: i'm done

Most friendly - Danielle
Most helpful - @"Schezo", Epele
Most hilarious - @"fiver", @"Nicolyn"
Most kawaii - @"Nicolyn", Danielle, @"Thieppy"
Most lewd - Epele
Most honest - mel, Decoy Blimp, K.T.B.
Most caring - Q, @"NinLenna", mel
Most missed - Taryn, Ninji
Most likely to start a spree - Hālian, Danielle

Best username - I Like shoes and I need help!, ゼンガー・ゾンボルト
Best regular user - @"Thieppy", Hālian
Best staffer - Epele, Emuz, @"Nicolyn"
Best potential staffer - Decoy Blimp, Hālian
Best banned user -

Best post layout - Epele, Emuz
Best avatar - Yushe, @"Thieppy", Needle
Best mood avatars - Elemi, @"Thieppy", saltypepper
Best minipic - Epele, @"NinLenna", Lunaria
Best poster - mel, Decoy Blimp, K.T.B.

Most artistically skilled - Tyty, @"Schezo"
Most musically skilled
Most technically skilled - @"Schezo", Arisotura, Sanqui

Most likely to succeed in life - KP, @"NinLenna"
Most likely to overthrow governments - Nicole, Arisotura
Most likely to question life - Elemi
Most likely to fall in love over a board member - Jamie
Most likely to be an undercover alien - Elemi, @"Nicolyn"

Posted on 11-30-18 12:31 PM, in (rev. 5 of 11-30-18 12:34 PM by Keikisho) Link | ID: 144641

Level: 16

Posts: 40/56
EXP: 19895
Next: 361

Since: 11-24-18

Last post: 2246 days
Last view: 2245 days
Most friendly - AileenLumina, Nicole, mel
Most helpful - AileenLumina, Arisotura, @"Schezo"
Most hilarious - Moonlight Capital
Most kawaii - Nicole, mel, Rambly
Most lewd - Epele
Most honest - Decoy Blimp
Most caring - mel, Rambly, Nicole
Most missed - Yushe, Robbie Rage
Most likely to start a spree - Danielle

Best username - Nicole is awesome and cute <3, ゼンガー・ゾンボルト, Emuz
Best regular user - Thierry
Best staffer - Nicole
Best potential staffer - Danielle
Best banned user - Swingball

Best post layout - @"Schezo", Danielle
Best avatar - Yushe, Kawa
Best mood avatars - Emuz, Thierry, Nicole
Best minipic - Nicole
Best poster - Decoy Blimp

Most artistically skilled
Most musically skilled - Thierry
Most technically skilled - KP

Most likely to succeed in life - @"NinLenna"
Most likely to overthrow governments - Arisotura
Most likely to question life - Arisotura, Emuz
Most likely to fall in love over a board member - Thierry
Most likely to be an undercover alien - Moonlight Capital

Posted on 12-04-18 10:53 PM, in Link | ID: 144869
Normal User

Level: 110

Posts: 3439/4003
EXP: 14258328
Next: 150558

Since: 05-23-16

Last post: 513 days
Last view: 512 days
Most friendly Danielle
Most helpful
Most hilarious Moonlight Capital
Most kawaii
Most lewd Thierry, Epele
Most honest
Most caring
Most missed
Most likely to start a spree Danielle

Best username ゼンガー・ゾンボルト
Best regular user Thierry
Best staffer
Best potential staffer Danielle
Best banned user Jamie

Best post layout
Best avatar
Best mood avatars
Best minipic
Best poster Danielle

Most artistically skilled
Most musically skilled
Most technically skilled Kak

Most likely to succeed in life
Most likely to overthrow governments
Most likely to question life
Most likely to fall in love over a board member Jamie
Most likely to be an undercover alien Moonlight Capital

Posted on 12-10-18 06:16 AM, in Link | ID: 145039
Normal User

Level: 108

Posts: 3202/3456
EXP: 13368475
Next: 152024

Since: 03-19-13

Last post: 66 days
Last view: 9 days
at least counting won't be too much of a hassle this year.

Most friendly - saltypepper
Most helpful - Kak
Most hilarious - Swingball
Most kawaii - ゼンガー・ゾンボルト :3
Most lewd - Epele
Most honest - Moline
Most caring - Nicole
Most missed - Taryn, Lili~ ♥
Most likely to start a spree - Danielle

Best username - sleepy
Best regular user - Next Jen
Best staffer - Ailure lol
Best potential staffer - Robbie Rage
Best banned user - skyl

Best post layout - Elemi
Best avatar - SnakeBlock
Best mood avatars - Rambly, KP
Best minipic - Epele, DJ Bouche
Best poster - K.T.B.

Most artistically skilled - Googie
Most musically skilled - we all suck
Most technically skilled - Arisotura

Most likely to succeed in life - skyl
Most likely to overthrow governments - GamesWithIsaac
Most likely to question life - Moonlight Capital
Most likely to fall in love over a board member - Epele, Jamie
Most likely to be an undercover alien - Emuz

there's a link here.

Robbie Rage
Posted on 12-14-18 12:34 AM, in Link | ID: 145123
Normal User

Boomerang Brother
Fueled by Board Nostalgia and Old Memes
Level: 130

Posts: 4886/6020
EXP: 25522256
Next: 208321

Since: 11-22-16
From: New Jersey, USA
Status: Not even mad.
Since: 2001

Last post: 999 days
Last view: 134 days
Sup. I'll update this over time before the deadline, but I had to get something in for this year...

Most friendly
Most helpful
Most hilarious
Most kawaii
Most lewd - Dani
Most honest
Most caring
Most missed
Most likely to start a spree

Best username
Best regular user
Best staffer
Best potential staffer
Best banned user

Best post layout
Best avatar
Best mood avatars
Best minipic
Best poster

Most artistically skilled
Most musically skilled
Most technically skilled

Most likely to succeed in life
Most likely to overthrow governments
Most likely to question life
Most likely to fall in love over a board member - Thieppy
Most likely to be an undercover alien - Swingball

Posted on 12-22-18 12:42 PM, in (rev. 2 of 12-22-18 12:45 PM by SnakeBlock) Link | ID: 145399
Normal User

Level: 10

Posts: 18/18
EXP: 3898
Next: 516

Since: 12-06-17
From: In a place

Last post: 2225 days
Last view: 720 days
I;M SnakeBlOCK And I'll m thejn tkn m Mosts the fuck the th th eMOst

Most friendly Thierry
Most helpful
Most hilarious Keikisho, Moonlight Capital
Most kawaii Arisotura :3,
Most lewd Epele, saltypepper
Most honest
Most caring
Most missed Taryn
Most likely to start a spree Danielle Danielle Danielle

Best username Googie
Best regular user Thierry
Best staffer shibboleet
Best potential staffer Keikisho
Best banned user Jamie

Best post layout Thierry
Best avatar Thierry
Best mood avatars saltypepper
Best minipic Googie
Best poster

Most artistically skilled
Most musically skilled Thierry
Most technically skilled Arisotura, Epele

Most likely to succeed in life ...weeeeell, I hate to break it to you, but......
Most likely to overthrow governments Arisotura
Most likely to question life Moonlight Capital
Most likely to fall in love over a board member Thierry
Most likely to be an undercover alien Danielle


Posted on 12-22-18 12:47 PM, in (rev. 2 of 12-22-18 12:48 PM by Danielle) Link | ID: 145400
Normal User

Miracles Happen
When you believe...
Level: 257

Posts: 17881/25311
EXP: 272390411
Next: 3457037

Since: 07-16-12
From: Albany, NY
OS: Windows 98

Last post: 421 days
Last view: 421 days
Most friendly Epele
Most helpful
Most hilarious
Most kawaii Nicole
Most lewd Epele
Most honest
Most caring
Most missed Taryn
Most likely to start a spree Epele

Best username Epele
Best regular user Thierry
Best staffer Nicole
Best potential staffer
Best banned user Jamie

Best post layout Epele
Best avatar Thierry
Best mood avatars Thierry
Best minipic Nicole
Best poster

Most artistically skilled
Most musically skilled
Most technically skilled Epele

Most likely to succeed in life
Most likely to overthrow governments Arisotura
Most likely to question life Arisotura
Most likely to fall in love over a board member Thierry
Most likely to be an undercover alien Emuz

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 12-22-18 04:55 PM, in (rev. 2 of 12-22-18 04:57 PM by Nicole) Link | ID: 145404
Goddess of the Apocalypse
Level: 200

Posts: 12079/14042
EXP: 114928356
Next: 201033

Since: 01-03-12
From: Boston, MA

Last post: 532 days
Last view: 532 days
12079 4770 89
Most friendly - Danielle
Most helpful - Emuz
Most hilarious - Epele
Most kawaii - Lili~ ♥
Most lewd - Keikisho
Most honest - KP, Arisotura
Most caring - Hālian
Most missed - Taryn
Most likely to start a spree - Danielle

Best username - ゼンガー・ゾンボルト
Best regular user - Next Jen
Best staffer - Nicoly-- uh, I mean, Epele
Best potential staffer - Danielle
Best banned user - Ninja AE

Best post layout - Emuz
Best avatar - Decoy Blimp
Best mood avatars - Epele
Best minipic - Marzen64
Best poster - That map of Zelda 2 in the style of a subway map on my wall

Most artistically skilled - Tyty
Most musically skilled - DJ Bouche
Most technically skilled - KP

Most likely to succeed in life - Mary, KP
Most likely to overthrow governments - Mary, Arisotura
Most likely to question life - Emuz
Most likely to fall in love over a board member - Keikisho
Most likely to be an undercover alien - Danielle

Posted on 12-24-18 01:46 AM, in Link | ID: 145446
Site Administrator
The Sorceress.

Level: 237

Posts: 19628/20774
EXP: 206850871
Next: 1128063

Since: 01-01-12
From: UK

Last post: 1116 days
Last view: 11 hours
Voting is closed.

Results some point when I have time to sort them.

The world could always use more heroes!

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Main - General Forum - Kafuka Mosts 2018

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