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Main - General Forum - What causes the rise and fall of posting?
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Posted on 10-13-12 10:53 PM, in (rev. 2 of 10-13-12 10:54 PM by Scrydan) Link | ID: 28140
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Scryforce - A place that still exists. Neat.
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Since: 07-18-12
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This topic will be quite debatable and many may disagree or agree with what might be brought up here. Try to be civil in the discussions and treat others' opinion well. Thank you. :)

I generally think posting everywhere or at least these types of community focusing on posting have gone down for some reasons and I think I know some of them.

First of all, we've all heard this throughout the many many years of Acmlm's Board and various other places. "Our activity/posting is declining, people post more!" And perhaps something later would cause a spike and all would be well or it was just a busy week or month for a lot of its community. However, quite a few times and a few places show to be suffering from fewer posts and I've grown to see why in many cases.

1. Oldbies get either tired/move on, or try to push for what they had.
2. Newbies don't post or register because they think it isn't as active as it should be or was.
3. Motivation for discussions can only go so far without purpose.
4. Too many things to do nowadays, the older members get busy with life and jobs, and the rest have so many other places to go. Resulting in less actual activity or checking for it. People often like "instant" responses so if they don't get it, they begin to think "the site is dying, omg!".
5. Pure and simple burn out. It happens and without something holding their attention and captivating them, their last post time goes further and further and eventually effecting just simple visiting.

Now the above is what I've gotten from talking with some people and some of my own opinion. Now that is just some of the things that causes general "falling". There's many others of course. You can get into it of course.

What causes the rise? New things? New projects? More events? More ways to communicate with members? Site Updates that are mostly positive and don't screw up the usual flow of things? There are many and some are completely objective.

One thing I will say is active staff, new events/site features, and general userbase friendliness goes a long way with me. Staff are a core for me and if they are still around and don't weaver then the rest are less likely to die. That being said if they do so in positive manners. The site updating or having regular events is another key of seeing if a site is at least trying to keep it fresh and new. And of course, it is easier to post if the people who reply are people who you will want to continue to reply with. Sure you may disagree with some points they make but that's the world for you. As long as everyone does so maturely, it is all good.

Now then, what would you say causes certain shifts in posting and activity of a posting board like here?

I don't know why but recently I lost my fire. Maybe it is stress and maybe it is college related but I am not sure at times myself. Maybe it is a burn out.

Posted on 10-14-12 11:07 PM, in Link | ID: 28165
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Whenever I am inactive it's always I'm busy with real life. That's what is going on with me. You can't speak to other's opinions. Forums of this type are not as common as e many other ways to discuss topics have come up. FB seems to be the preference of a good part of people. Also we are in a world of instant communication. That's why IRC is such a draw.

The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Posted on 10-15-12 11:22 AM, in (rev. 2 of 10-15-12 11:22 AM by ゼンガー・ゾンボルト) Link | ID: 28175
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For me it's either that I'm playing a game (2Dudes1RO or Retro City Rampage these days) or that I'm not in a good enough mood due to the shitty weather we're having lately.

Or I'm just lazy.

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Posted on 10-16-12 09:56 PM, in Link | ID: 28210
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For the last few days, I am not sure what happened. I just couldn't think of anything to say and was too busy with WOW and my report...which is due in a few hours. :P

Posted on 10-17-12 05:51 PM, in Link | ID: 28248
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I've been pursuing other interests lately. My problem is I have so many interests that I can never focus on just one for very long <_< >_>

As for posting in general, I think a lot of the "social" boards are losing steam to the huge social megasites like Facebook. Most surviving boards now are highly topical, catering to people with a specific interest.

'Cause when you've given up,
When no matter what you do it's never good enough,
When you never thought that it could ever get this tough,
That's when you feel my kind of love.

Posted on 10-18-12 04:34 AM, in Link | ID: 28268
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I attribute my inactivity to the fact I'm still taking a break from here. I know, I know, I've been posting regularly despite this fact. The thing is, I've been sticking to the same four or five threads and ignoring everything else.

Once I get myself sorted out, I'll be back in full swing. I just don't know when that will be, since I'm still trying to get sorted out.

Posted on 10-21-12 04:35 PM, in Link | ID: 28330
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I sometimes just forget this place exists. Maybe I'll go back on IRC, that'll help.

Then I remember it exists and don't really feel much motivation. Though to be honest I HAVE been busy this weekend, the fact that I was gone ALL WEEK I have no excuse for. I was just doing other things (mostly League of Legends).

Next Jen
Posted on 10-23-12 06:59 AM, in Link | ID: 28352
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Posted by Marzen64
I sometimes just forget this place exists.

And that's what happened to me.

I was going through my bookmarks when I noticed Kafuka and said, "Oh shit, I haven't been there for a while".


Posted on 10-23-12 07:40 AM, in Link | ID: 28356
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I dont know for me really. I just don't know what and where to post...

Posted on 10-23-12 09:27 AM, in Link | ID: 28358
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I usually check at least twice a day, early morning and after work...but don't always post unless something relevant on one of the threads comes to mind as I'm browsing. Many times, it's just that I don't feel like I have anything to say...other times, my .02 is put out there.

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Posted on 10-24-12 07:36 PM, in Link | ID: 28373
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I've pretty much not posted other than a few 2Dudes1RO forum posts. Yeah, that thing is pretty much most of my attention alongside Borderlands 2 at the moment.

Although, It's gonna get worse with Assassin's Creed 3...

The world could always use more heroes!

Next Jen
Posted on 10-25-12 04:49 PM, in Link | ID: 28392
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AC3 will be another reason for me as well, come next week. And then Halo 4.


Posted on 01-05-13 01:20 AM, in Link | ID: 29903
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Posted by gridatttack
I dont know for me really. I just don't know what and where to post...

Well, if you can't find something you want to post on, you can post whatever topics you would like to discuss.

The message board itself seems to be fading as a stand alone site. I've been busy with that real life thing. At least for Kafuka could be helped out if we had something that when along with it. While we do have some things [2Dudes1RO but it's in need of some love], and eventually Acmlmboard 2.6's public release and support) until AB 2.6 is ready to go public, we've got nothing but a forum. We could as a group discuss a project. Would that interest the group?

The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Posted on 01-10-13 01:49 AM, in (rev. 3 of 01-10-13 01:56 AM by GreyMaria) Link | ID: 29999
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Gee, it sure is boring around here!
Perhaps this is what causes the fall of posting. Thoughts?


It's dangerous to go alone! Take this <img>.

Posted on 01-10-13 03:27 AM, in Link | ID: 30003
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Link is driving people away! I knew that guy couldn't be trusted- I just wonder what Ganon's up to.

Posted on 01-10-13 03:33 AM, in Link | ID: 30006
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Since: 12-30-11
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Lol. Welp @GreyMaria Bored? You can start a new topic. Posting more about responding, it's about creating new threads and conversations.

The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Posted on 01-10-13 03:35 AM, in Link | ID: 30007
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Scryforce - A place that still exists. Neat.
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Posted by Nicole
Link is driving people away! I knew that guy couldn't be trusted- I just wonder what Ganon's up to.

Plotting an appearance in an RPG probably. But that's just my guess.
Who knows who else plans to join that adventure?

Next Jen
Posted on 01-18-13 09:06 AM, in Link | ID: 30102
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Another reason is forgetting people. Maybe I'm just being too hard, but random people at Ac--Jul got a birthday thread and I got nothing. I have to say, I was a bit sadden by it. Understandable here since birthdays are not on the main page, but damn, can't believe after 13 odd some years...but whatever, this is just a rant.


Posted on 01-18-13 11:26 AM, in Link | ID: 30107
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It is supposed to be on the front page, but there is a bug that we (hopefully) fixed in the development version that makes it show properly. :(

Happy very belated birthday @Anya! I didn't even know when it was your birthday.

The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

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Main - General Forum - What causes the rise and fall of posting?

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