I'm moderately surprised a thread like this does not exist.
Anyone seen any good movies recently? I went to go see two in the past month: Lincoln and the Hobbit. First off, Lincoln:
It was surprisingly good. It wasn't AMAZING mind you, I wasn't blown away, and it had its problems. Lincoln suffered from what I like to call "Alfred-Syndrome", which means he rambled out random stories and speeches like he had them written up in his head a year ago in preparation for JUST this moment. It's a nitpick, but that aaaalways bugged me. Nonetheless, good movie, I'd recommend it, but maybe that's just cause I'm a history buff.
And then, the Hobbit, which I saw today. Just as good as I expected, really. I think everything they added was fleshed in quite well, and only one casting choice still kinda bugs me: Thorin really doesn't look, or act, or sound, much like a typical Tolkein Dwarf to me. They're always portrayed as more comical, big noses, long beards. It seems they went with the Aragorn approach this time and made him attractive and stuff. Seriously, the dude's old. So was Aragorn. He wasn't much of a looker in the books. So was Aragorn. But again, a bit of a nitpick, and in all he acted well.
The other thing that bugged me was that Gandalf was wheezing a lot. Did he always do that?
How about you guys?
Seen any good movies lately?