Rank |
Posts |
Users On Rank |
Users On Rank |
Non-poster |
0 |
204 |
AyaPony, Chuckles, संसार, mrjsbootyrockineverywhere, Misterjhasaclone, mrjsbutt, Drei, Bloodstar, Gerry, trotsky, Jeremy K. Higney, Finops, Possible Spambot, Knives, smkdan, Copewk, Someone, Hiccup, PM Spammer ID 116, Black Lord, blob, I am mistah_j, miguel21450, mouse520, AKP, PM Spammer #150, jayjoekuakua, Everest, Nksor, Spammer #158, ladey26, IsuckIspam 166, tiggy234, Varion Icaria, ChuJooRi, Spamkitten #179, Spammer #182, GoldenApple, Lunarius, Ice AKA zlaker, Kiokuffiib11, snarfblam, Malachi Constant, Hero C, MKDS1998, h2643, Nuhaine, FAlphaXII, GachiMuchi, 6.4.2, Ancient Zendu, TheYoshiAngel, C++, TechnoGvy, Zeno, Thanks for all the fish!, Haruhaii Haruworth, Apofisu, Zeon, Dupe #256, Banned User #257, Clone #258, Dupe #259, Gulag Resident #260, Nope #261, Nope #262, Shadow Djinn, jensonmc, benfucius, jayam, Kasami, DeadGuy, DeadOne, Mixlas, l, bossgod, smb123w64gb, CamTro, Not-So-Mega Mario, BloopBlarg, Clone of a Clone of Mega-Mario, Archicgi, Spammer, Spamy McSpamFace, CrayCray, elisha, ForgotPassword~SJBLuigi, PablosCorner, Jack-Al, henyihanwobushi, RetroGalicia, Catpan, Jaz, Albertocml2, snesgamer778, Lemmy014, Liwa Shahid ash-Shaerboek, Dan, Poudink, rsabbag, vaitomanocu, Quird, StrikeForcer, Malirlesavedalana, Hitigo, kissy12, trevor, Mariomaster, Titanmode3714, zed_gmail, StapleIsTheBest, Animal30, MC708, Nicole is awesome and cute <3, Fuck off Nicole, ~* deleted user *~, Pokemonfan1000(ICE), shhwonk, Moonman Magyar, GalacticPirate, Kuribo Warming, The Semiotec, rudi taboti, B3cquby14Y, Vitu, Bluefish16, SkarthDog, Hüseyin the Mighty, GRAnimated, supermario18, Nhan, MartsINY, BlueFinch, hukka, I can sell book?, Wingcaster6, Skeletal, Fullcannon, aaa, xXxKandiixXx, emmaessex, cute, zoa, shorty2002, Serviceprinter, Tolpine, picto, XiON, greenlandshop, Courtney, Plasmaticione, koopadevu, SergioGM8, rahulkakkar123, Breakfaster, Ghidorah, wifsc98, fwn212, sircartier, Woctop, grassmower, monkeys2, Desko, burpmaster2000, skrubbed, tikkitokercib, Mirau, Caaaiozk, LiQ, SleepyHomura, DemiCunningham, eidokun, Kanji, kofu145, jameer, Crank, Banned User#491, w41ker_18697, enmanuel, PheonixMMKC777, beet, LuigiBlood, gorgyrip, deway30201, Krakin, Luna Eso, MathieuN82, Luna2so, nanashi89, Ndymario, lepidotós, Maad34, meredithlemarie, BigChungus, SchnabeltierP, Banned User#513, Banned User#514, Banned User#515, Banned User 516, McSiLE, pnvmc, joshuabeaty, sui, emanresu |
Newcomer |
1 |
120 |
Femine, Kirbynite, KirbyPopStar, Yarx, LordTrevor, Aduin, jay4gamers1, Elin, Unsocial Mind, snowphantom16, SWR, ArkeanKoutetsu, patriotfan09, wiiqwertyuiop, southbird, Hypero, Mattrizzle, Xkeeper, Luigi-San, Quick Curly, Tyrannosaur, Devin, mrjs booty rag all night, Secret, draco, Allan, palosv1234, Numbah90, Tanks, salediablo, salegw2, Shadow Yoshi, Copy-Pasta Man, Marionumber1, Spammer #159, Spammer #160, Robert Cop, Spam Mistress #168, flappybird, Spammer #178, Tamaki2511, GrapeEscape, begrimed, Stomatol, Lilmario, Zynk, TCgamerboy2002, Xeon, S.R.H., XxFall3nAn9elxX, Kyll Vie, Selling shoes is my name., I Like shoes and I need help!, Me? Really?, Got Gone?, Spam#239, Spammer#241, 8JeDaYoshi8, Skiaak, devin (the real one), maorninja, Koopris, setz, luigi5678, Termingamer2-JD, Funtime #281, Sweattooth #282, Rae, dengdeng, Yahochi-1359, Berkian, Physix, MotM, Aileen Lumina, GamersBR, Xenaero, Crunch, EzioisAwesome56, Legacy Yoshi, Albertocml, Sirkirby, Sanjaybutt, Tonhaospawn, Call Of The Zoona, Quorgan Zest Realms, XenonNSMB, Rapahel, blokx02, Skek, Jogoknjivinuget, So Much, Neenére, Pics, Posta Sztárok, Kuribo64 global warming, Emilie, Banned#400, JohnAdams, rsneha, SpamXpert, Mathnoel, Guscraft808Beta2, yoshi, AlanJacobs, YWTS, tcheung, Plasmatic, Red5pizza, Paithus, richardjkelly12, Drex, Aurelia Oneill, Garhoogin, Stasis, Mario&LuigiEtCo., Jamiedupe_just1thing, marktech2000, Caje, Keravesque, lunanova |
 Micro-Goomba |
10 |
20 |
Blades, Colin, Dirbaio, roxahris, Insectduel, FPzero, AntiSense, nensondubois, imamelia, 2spam|!2spam #167, BlimpFruit, Lightvayne, J^P, MercuryPenny, Titan91, Noodle, Universe256, H Magyar H, Dynajay, kuja killer |
 Goomba |
20 |
17 |
Sukasa, mSprout, Foom, NovaSquirrel, Xeruss, flan, BlindJumps, Mythic_, GlitchMr, Cellar Dweller, Matrixz, Cackletta, Katelyn, Luigi_Fan, Pokemonfan1000, Iris, rosyilu |
 Red Goomba |
35 |
6 |
Acmlm, Shroomy, z-byte, Bubbles, Nin, MarioBurger71 |
 Red Paragoomba |
50 |
5 |
(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ, MKGirlism, NokNokShell, Iusuuia, mel |
 Paragoomba |
65 |
5 |
DJ Bouche, Mesia, knuck, Kironide, Moline |
 Shyguy |
80 |
4 |
Haz, DahrkDaiz, Zeta_LaCroix, K.T.B. |
 Koopa |
100 |
3 |
Ferdal, Database, Exdesia- |
 Red Koopa |
120 |
2 |
ParaLax, theninja1000 |
 Paratroopa |
140 |
1 |
NinCollin |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
 Red Cheep-cheep |
200 |
1 |
SmithJrBlaquaLuigi |
??? |
??? |
0 |
 Flurry |
250 |
2 |
Mary, Mari42 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
 Porcupo |
300 |
1 |
shibboleet |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
 Buzzy Beetle |
375 |
1 |
Ailure |
 Nipper Plant |
400 |
1 |
Kak (Climbing Again (5100)) |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
 Cobrat |
650 |
1 |
DanielC4 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
 Super Koopa |
830 |
1 |
Kaj |
??? |
??? |
0 |
 Boo |
900 |
1 |
Robbie Rage (Climbing Again (5100)) |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
 Giant Koopa |
1250 |
1 |
Googie |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
 Red Birdo |
2100 |
1 |
Taryn |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
 Iggy Koopa |
2600 |
1 |
ゼンガー・ゾンボルト (Climbing Again (5100)) |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
 Wart |
3200 |
1 |
AtomicAstro |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
 Luigi |
4100 |
1 |
Swingball |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |
??? |
??? |
0 |