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Main - AcmlmBoard II Software/Bug Report Forum - Currently known bugs/issues/annoyances thread (As of 2.6, 11/2/2012)
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Posted on 11-02-12 05:58 AM (rev. 5 of 11-28-12 12:01 AM by Scrydan) Link | ID: 28587
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Since: 07-18-12
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I figured I'd look over this forum and another for all the known issues and double check if 2.6 resolves them or not.
My aim is to remove most of the issues but I do know there will be a few I will need to pick and choose over others.

So I'll edit this OP with a list as I scan this forum again and some other places. By the time 2.6 releases, it will solve most if not all the major issues Acmlmboard has had for some time.
I closed some resolved threads but some were already closed. Any left open are currently open for discussion or haven't been resolved.

Issues, Bugs, & Annoyances:
Various NEW marker issues: 399, 428, 237
Can't get to other pages than first one in "Sent PMs" category

Possibly resolved in 2.6 or earlier:
RE: PM issue - Resolved, simple fix.
Disable post layout doesn't work & Disabling/enabling post layout via edit post doesn't work - Believed to be fixed, will check again.
Last post link on the index isn't updated when a thread is moved
Restricted-access posts cause problems with thread.php?user - all related should be fixed since a partial rewrite.
Bots being stuck in the Calender
PM (un)deletion not working
Post preview applies layout to the reply log below
spoiler unreadable - soon to be taken care of

If it isn't above, then it either isn't known or I missed something. Please post anything that I might have missed. Crossed out ones are ones I've taken care of or at least have a good idea how to solve it.


Revision 4: Updated the list a bit with what I know is done. (PM related stuff)
Revision 5: I can't count, lol. Since 4 I am now keeping track.

Posted on 11-02-12 12:06 PM Link | ID: 28589
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Since: 01-05-12
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Per-forum moderation rights aren't quite clear...

For example in this forum, despite not being displayed as moderating it, I can stick/close/move/etc threads. However, I can't edit/delete individual posts.

There may be leftovers of the old powerlevel system there, but I haven't seen any. Perhaps it's just a configuration issue in this board.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 11-02-12 06:49 PM (rev. 2 of 11-02-12 06:50 PM by Scrydan) Link | ID: 28596
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Since: 07-18-12
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Emuz has recently given moderating permissions for Devs such as you mentioned but edit/delete don't seem to be there. I think the only way to get that is to give that permission or have you on the moderation list.

I might make a one step for all permission to do that and still keep the others. So if you want one perm to allow all thread/post moderation you have it and you also have the individual ones.

Oh and possibly extend and make moderators who moderate a forum to give admins more flexible control over what they can do in a forum. (Checkboxes if they can see moderating options, editing options, etc)

Posted on 11-27-12 11:48 PM Link | ID: 29084
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You might want to check the user database thoroughly for correct time stamps on recent posts.
I checked a few profiles off and on every week and its consistent on this problem.
Check kp, grey maria, kawa and any others for messed up posts or missing post entries.

Posted on 11-27-12 11:55 PM (rev. 3 of 11-28-12 12:02 AM by Scrydan) Link | ID: 29085
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That has probably been fixed since 2.6 and its revamp but I'll double check to make sure.

Thanks for the report and I'll get back to you on the current status. :)

Edit: Updated the list now.

Posted on 01-21-13 12:33 AM (rev. 2 of 01-21-13 12:34 AM by MIGHTY-BLACKDRAGON-) Link | ID: 30161
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Dan, I admire your work here and I appreciate you taking the time to recode the forum
But we have a problem here, each time the board is being worked on the posts get out of whacked.

Dates are scrambled up and its hard to back trace when someone has posted just recently or a week ago.
No disrespect meant, but if your working on a new board version leave a stable one for the community to use until you and other lead staff are ready to deploy it fully.

Thats one of the main things thats stopped me from posting kafuka.

Posted on 01-21-13 01:33 AM Link | ID: 30163
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That's what he's BEEN doing, if you had paid any attention to any posts in this forum.

Posted on 08-09-13 01:35 AM Link | ID: 35228
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I have a question why am I unable to delete my pm's in my inbox I "don't" need any longer ? :|

Posted on 10-25-13 07:47 PM Link | ID: 36436
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Uh, yeah, I was trying to post a poll and it kept eating one of the options (I'm assuming due to an improperly escaped apostrophe), could someone look into it? Thanks ;3

"Miracles happen, when you believe..."

Posted on 10-26-13 04:42 PM Link | ID: 36481
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Since: 01-05-12
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Bug has been fixed in the repo. Will probably be fixed soon here.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

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Posted on 01-17-14 03:08 AM Link | ID: 41228
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Small bug. When someone who has permissions to edit a post, the mood avatar selector shows your list, but when selected will change it to the persons' corresponding avatar. It should either pull the right names/list and avatar count.

If needed/requested we should consider breaking out edit-post-moodavatar so one could limit it to just admins etc.

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Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Posted on 04-16-14 09:16 PM Link | ID: 54795
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Since: 10-24-13
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I know a lot of different people work on acmlm but you guys should really invest in some time to clean up the code. Just because it "works" doesn't mean its not still sloppy. If you enable error logs its about 20000 lines long. 494.14 fucking megabytes....

TwitterWebsite • Skype: phoine266

Posted on 04-16-14 09:17 PM Link | ID: 54796
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Since: 01-05-12
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Then help us cleaning it up instead of bitching about it.

If you aren't willing to help, then kindly shut up.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 04-16-14 09:18 PM Link | ID: 54798
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I am though, I'm cleaning up the code on my own install. I recommend you guys do the same if you want to do any major releases. I shouldn't be responsible for your sloppy code though.

TwitterWebsite • Skype: phoine266

Posted on 04-16-14 09:19 PM Link | ID: 54799
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Since: 01-05-12
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You're doing it on your own install, and of course, you aren't going to share. It's easier to just bitch about it.

Please stop being a waste of space already.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 04-16-14 09:20 PM (rev. 2 of 04-16-14 09:20 PM by Anshinin) Link | ID: 54800
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I would share the modifications I've done if the first response to an honest suggestion wasn't just telling me I am bitching.

TwitterWebsite • Skype: phoine266

Posted on 04-16-14 09:21 PM Link | ID: 54801
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[22:58:08] <Anshinin> acmlmboards code is shit
[22:58:19] <Anshinin> its so disorganized
[22:58:27] <Anshinin> if you enable error logs its like 20000 lines long
[22:58:59] <StapleButter> then fix it, genius
[22:59:09] <StapleButter> I doubt you'd do anything better than AB0.7
[22:59:17] <StapleButter> given your level of intelligence
[22:59:17] <NoLimitBot> New reply by HolyRomanEmperorTatan (Craziness Domain 二番: Kuchi Kopi's Bar: Anshinin; my new best friend (475) (+311)) -
[22:59:24] <Anshinin> its not my site
[22:59:30] <Anshinin> peek works fine on my install
[22:59:42] <StapleButter> I meant this
[22:59:46] <StapleButter> [22:58:08] <Anshinin> acmlmboards code is shit
[22:59:46] <StapleButter> [22:58:19] <Anshinin> its so disorganized
[22:59:46] <StapleButter> [22:58:27] <Anshinin> if you enable error logs its like 20000 lines long
[22:59:52] <StapleButter> go ahead and clean it up
[22:59:56] <Anshinin> thats what we are doing
[23:00:05] <Anshinin> before we can do any major edits we gotta clean up your shit code

> an honest suggestion

Yeah, right.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?

Posted on 04-16-14 09:21 PM Link | ID: 54803
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Having an attitude of "I fixed it for me, myself and I" does not help contribute fixes.

Please refrain from such posting.

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Posted on 04-16-14 09:23 PM Link | ID: 54806
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Since: 10-24-13
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I was more civilized about it in this thread. I'm not trying to start anything here I'm just saying the code is extremely sloppy, however it's a great board for the most part else I wouldn't even deal with it in the first place. I'd be willing to help go through and make more user friendly code but I'm pretty sure you want me wiped off the face of the earth.

TwitterWebsite • Skype: phoine266

Posted on 04-16-14 09:26 PM Link | ID: 54809
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Since: 01-05-12
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No matter how you said it, what you meant was basically "your code sucks, I'm fixing it for my own version but it's only for me, fuck off". So shove it up your ass.

Continue being a smartass and you'll meet the same fate on the board as you did on the IRC.

Kuribo64 - melonDS

want some revolution in your coffee?
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Main - AcmlmBoard II Software/Bug Report Forum - Currently known bugs/issues/annoyances thread (As of 2.6, 11/2/2012)

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