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Main - Posts by Ferdal

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Posted on 01-03-12 02:46 AM, in Kafuka's CitiHall: "Scattered before you there are three tomes.." Link | ID: 66
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Since: 01-01-12
From: Niagara Falls

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Hey what's up. ;o

Posted on 01-03-12 03:14 AM, in Whats your Nerd Cave look like? Link | ID: 68
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Since: 01-01-12
From: Niagara Falls

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What's your home office look like? Where do you shy away at when you want to be anti-social? Where do you crush noobs on Xbox Live or Steam? What kinda flair to you have for your rig you're posting this on? Well, this is mine (lit up for once). Xbox is cut off under the wii ;[

Posted on 01-04-12 02:44 AM, in Whats your Nerd Cave look like? Link | ID: 264
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Since: 01-01-12
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Posted by Emuz
Posted by (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ
*images cut *]

I see what you did there...

I'll get pictures of my setup soon. It's 3 monitors two computers.. and a turntable. .

stay tuned. or something.. (I'd go with something..)

Man talk about a dibbs NerdRanch! I bet Emuz's cave can open up Portals.

Some pretty beast caves though.

Oh and: The Sauce IS the Boss. I NEVER leave my desk without atleast one bottle of Sweet, Sweet Baby Ray's.

Btw Gywall, that's pretty fucking epic.

Posted on 01-04-12 02:53 AM, in Biggest Computer Problem Link | ID: 268
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Since: 01-01-12
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Wow that's crazy Marzen. Last prepackaged PC I got was an Acer and the pins popped off my CPU when the fan died on it and melted the heatsink to the actual processor via the crap-nonname-gel they put inbetween that they called thermal paste. It would turn on still after I bent all the remaining pins back but lock up randomly and send signals off into alien worlds, which resulted in swift kicking to the side of the beast.

Last time I buy a brand computer.

Posted on 01-04-12 03:05 AM, in So.. it's 2012.. Link | ID: 274
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Since: 01-01-12
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2011 was pretty sweet towards the end, kinda shitty at the beginning. A lot of ruckus in the world, and a lot of shittyness happened.

As for New Years Weekend, got super hammered off Armageddon Juice, wrasstled, almost broke my nose but became proficient in N64 GamePads being used as Flails.

But 2012 will be o-k because:

New Interesting People (And Girls!)
Pay Raise
Vacation Time
Taxes Back Soon (HELLOOOO Radeon HD 79xx YOU ARE MINEx2)
CrabPeople Apocalypse (Craaaaaaab peo-ple)

Oh, and I'm off tomorrow, so that's cool. First day off in 2012.

Posted on 01-04-12 03:27 AM, in Whats your Nerd Cave look like? Link | ID: 283
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Since: 01-01-12
From: Niagara Falls

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How many computers are you inputting to over there super user?

Posted on 01-04-12 07:05 PM, in What movies have you seen lately? Link | ID: 488
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Since: 01-01-12
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Hey, it had good baddies, crazy locales, and an epic chase scene, that's what I'm looking for in general adventure movies. But yes, not as good as the original 3.

Posted on 01-04-12 07:19 PM, in What are you listening to right now? Link | ID: 497
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Since: 01-01-12
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<object width="480" height="360"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="360" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

Posted on 01-04-12 07:22 PM, in Whats your Nerd Cave look like? Link | ID: 498
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Since: 01-01-12
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Posted by Nicole
-image cut-

Welcome to the land of wires.

It actually looks pretty neat! I like it

Posted on 01-05-12 01:25 AM, in The Kafuka Photo Album Link | ID: 674
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Posted on 01-06-12 07:39 AM, in Terraria thread! (rev. 2 of 01-06-12 07:50 AM by Ferdal) Link | ID: 1034
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Since: 01-01-12
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Yeah its a real interesting open ended kinda game. I run a server now and then for me and my local buddies to play on but I suppose anyone could really hop on. We've been playing since about 1.0.2 I believe. We don't keep the same world for a long time though haha. Let me know if any of you would like to join sometime. I'm gonna be trying to make a pvp orientated map soon too. So that should be fun. Let me know.

Posted on 01-06-12 07:48 AM, in Friend Codes and Gamer Tags Link | ID: 1037
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Since: 01-01-12
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Steam: RerlTuna
Xbox/Windows Live: RerlTuna
Got a couple others I'll post once it's not 3 AM and my brain works.

Posted on 01-06-12 07:52 AM, in What Are You Playing Now? Link | ID: 1038
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Since: 01-01-12
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Same here jumping from game to game. Between working on RO and playing Terraria lately, catch my Rift with the guildies. If anyone else plays lemme know. ;)

Posted on 01-07-12 02:37 AM, in Your Day Job (or Major if you are in school) Link | ID: 1285
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Since: 01-01-12
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Pharmacy Technician. Sucks.

Posted on 01-07-12 05:24 AM, in Comic Con 2012 Link | ID: 1297
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Since: 01-01-12
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I'm surprised with all the gaming and hacking around this part of town no one has said anything about Comic Con. I plan on going with a few of my buddies this year. The badges should be going up for sale and sold out soon enough this month. If we miss it I'll try to atleast hit up Wondercon. If anyone would like to meet up with us lemme know. I'll prolly either go for the full stretch or atleast friday/saturday, maybe sunday too.

Posted on 01-07-12 06:13 AM, in Comic Con 2012 Link | ID: 1299
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Since: 01-01-12
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Well it'd depend if and where everyone else here would wanna go. I'd go to either, I live closer to NYCC but, either one I would like to do. If I have enough cash when they open for badges/tickets go up for sale I might just try and do both. ;)

Posted on 01-07-12 06:39 AM, in So my Grandpa's in the hospital... Link | ID: 1305
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Since: 01-01-12
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My grandmother had several seizures that were making her alzheimers worse and worse, to the point where my mother's sister took her from her home because she really couldn't take care of herself anymore, and put her in an old folks home. She had fallen several times too which didn't help. She ofcourse wasn't completely delirious and knew everyone who visited, its just she thought Reagan was president still and other things like that, and well in the long run she knew that she didn't want to be there.

Her husband, our grandfather had passed away about 15 years ago from cancer, so she was doing alright for herself for awhile without any help other than her daughter who lived about 90 mins away and my mother who lived here in NY (she lived in MA, cape cod)

My aunt wasn't really the most caring person but it's not like she didn't help her when she could, so when we went to visit her yknow 6-8 hours away, we took her out to dinner and out to the JFK museum and well just had a good time with her, and she eventually towards the end of our trip she says she doesn't want to live anymore.

The next time we came to visit about 6-8 months later she was under morphine, and we were waiting for her to pass away. It was terrible but atleast the pain was over for her.

My story isn't exactly the same but, I can kind of relate. My prayers go out to you and your family buddy.

Posted on 01-07-12 08:42 AM, in +1 (Scrydan proposal: Use this system as a "favorites" kind of deal.) Link | ID: 1310
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Since: 01-01-12
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I thought it was for google +1 originally.

Posted on 01-07-12 07:58 PM, in Hardware Pockets (rev. 2 of 01-07-12 07:59 PM by Ferdal) Link | ID: 1522
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Since: 01-01-12
From: Niagara Falls

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Do we got any other hardware upgrade fanatics here?

Looking at a new video card? New CPU? What are your plans for upgrades this year? Maybe a new laptop or tablet? Or are you getting one of them new handy dandy smartphones?

I plan on blowing my years taxes and checks on my new rig with AM3+ and hopefully a motherboard with a new chipset for pcie3.0 for the radeon hd 7xxx series.

Starting off I'll be getting the ThermalTake Level 10 GT FullTower, and try to hold off on a Mobo til the new AMD chipset for pcie3.0

And if you're not upgrading anytime soon, what kinda specs are you running right now? Right now I'm running:

AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition Thuban 3.2GHz AM3 (with COOLER MASTER Hyper 212 Plus RR-B10-212P-G1)
KINGWIN Lazer LZ-1000 1000W Modular 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified PSU
IN WIN IW-F430.RL Mid-Tower Chassis (the one that makes the noise of a ferrari when it starts)
SAPPHIRE 100315L Radeon HD 6850 x2
G.SKILL Sniper 8GB (4 x 4GB) F3-10666CL9D-8GBSR
20'' Acer Moniter (too old to remember the model), and a 40'' Element TV

Posted on 01-07-12 09:43 PM, in What does Kafuka mean? Link | ID: 1527
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Since: 01-01-12
From: Niagara Falls

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I always pronounced it ack-milm.As for kafuka I always thought it was something like kafra haha too much RO.
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Main - Posts by Ferdal

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