I've had two really long lasting names throughout my time on the internet (that weren't just my first name or an alt account on certain sites like "Analog Cheese"). I will go over the history of my D2 name marksmenMario and my main name Digital Cheese.
Digital Cheese
The Digital Cheese name was picked back in 2019 when I made my YouTube channel. I was thinking of a name for the channel and obviously I needed it to be simple.
I originally thought of "PizzaGamer0616" because I liked pizza and I liked gaming (still do, who could hate pizza tho). The numbers made the name sound weird to me so I changed "0616" to "5027" but even that name didn't sound good. Also, having numbers in the name I realized would make my channel annoying to remember.
As a result, I needed to figure out a better name. Plus, PizzaGamer is probably pretty generic anyways and likely wouldn't help me out because I'd probably be buried under 100s of 1000s of channels. Then I thought of the name "Digital Cheese" and made my PFP that I still use today. It was basically perfectly made, even if it was just me thinking of an otherwise stupid name and making a PFP on MSPaint that I will never likely remake.
For one, the name didn't have 4 numbers so it was easier to remember. Also, the name was the perfect length. Even in Mii maker, the name can be easily shortened to just DC meaning I have 8 characters left to do whatever I feel like. Also, Digital Cheese was a unique name that very few had on YouTube (i found out there was like one other channel but I'm usually one of the first) so it would be easy to find me if you're just searching the name up.
Plus, the name in general sounds nice. Its a name that is easily remembered, simple to type in, simple to make shortened/slightly modified versions if its too long or the name is already taken, and theres no reason to change it. But what about my other name, marksmenMario? Well I will explain that one below.
This name was my PSN gamertag back in 2016. The one you see on my profile is a different gamertag, but I still have the original account. I was like 7 so I can't 100% figure out what I meant by it, but I do remember that I liked Mario and Luigi a lot. I can't figure out the marksmen part, I probably didn't make that one.
Whatever, few years go by I make Digital Cheese and use that. Around 2022, bungie allowed people to change their Bungie names without making a new account. Now normally it would just be changed and I'd probably (for the most part) forget of the marksmenMario gamertag, however I decided on Destiny 2/Bungie.net to keep it. For one, its the longest running name I used on Bungie.net and I had even played Destiny 1 back in 2016 because it was my first Playstation game and first FPS game I think.
Even if it were possible to change your Bungie tag as many times as you want for free whenever you want and no one would take the marksmenMario name eventually, I probably wouldn't change it anyways. Now if Bungie made a custom user link system (such as YT channels with 100+ subs) then I'd probably just put DigitalCheese as the userlink name because it would be more consistent with everything else.
Thats pretty much the history of my two names that I've used from 2016-2023. I had a Wii U NNID going back to Christmas 2014, but it contained my real name for some reason so I won't share it. I did have the SuperFireLuigi1 NNID when I got my 3DS in 2015, but I can't say for sure what made me pick that name.
I will say one thing though, the only thing that topped the SuperFireLuigi1 NNID for me was the Digital Cheese name. Yes I am the real Luigi, bow down to me. Jokes aside, I don't have much else to say lmao. This was a bit longer than I figured it would be and I pretty much have nothing else to say now.
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