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Board Software Update & Registration Changes (More 'you may need to re log in ed.' Vol 2)
Posted on 10-04-20 07:47 PM, in Board Software Update & Registration Changes (More 'you may need to re log in ed.' Vol 2) Link | ID: 162740
Site Administrator

11 Hit Combo:
Mother's Rosario
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Since: 12-30-11
From: Akron, Ohio; USA

Last post: 196 days
Last view: 1 day
Hello everyone,

We've updated the code to the current development branch v2.5.5! Among the changes is further adjustments to the login system on the code level. This will likely cause your cookie to expire. Let us know if you have any issues logging back in!

There are some other backend changes. Mostly bug fixes and optimizations. We've updated the server as well so there may also be some new bugs or issues. Let us know if you discover any.

The final new item is we've changed how registration works for the Kafuka Boards. Due to the some recent incidents and the uprise in spam we've decided to implement a "Admin Approval" style registration system. That means registration is still open, but new users will not be allowed to post until they have either posted in a special forum and said a little bit about themselves, or they PM an Admin with a similar message.

The new registration system is in effect now. We're building the forum and instructions now so you may need an odd forum or two in the short term.

Thank you!


The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Board Updates (21 Jan - "Why am I logged out?" edition)
Posted on 01-21-19 12:32 AM, in Board Updates (21 Jan - "Why am I logged out?" edition) Link | ID: 145863
Site Administrator
The Sorceress.

Level: 237

Posts: 19704/20774
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Since: 01-01-12
From: UK

Last post: 1134 days
Last view: 11 hours
Hello everyone.

Due to changes in the code, we have decided to log everyone out in order to facilitate changes to the password system.

Your old password is still valid, and does not need changing.

Enjoy your posting experience.

The world could always use more heroes!

A behavioural reminder
Posted on 11-10-18 01:07 PM, in A behavioural reminder Link | ID: 143879
Site Administrator
The Sorceress.

Level: 237

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Since: 01-01-12
From: UK

Last post: 1134 days
Last view: 11 hours
Kafuka is not a theatre. Please do not stir up drama, especially from events outside of Kafuka.

Anyone seen as provoking drama, or specific people, will be disciplined as necessary.

The world could always use more heroes!

More Code Updates; SSL forced
Posted on 10-13-18 09:06 PM, in More Code Updates; SSL forced Link | ID: 142356
Site Administrator

11 Hit Combo:
Mother's Rosario
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Since: 12-30-11
From: Akron, Ohio; USA

Last post: 196 days
Last view: 1 day
Hello everyone!

I just wanted to let you know of the few things in the new update.

The first one is after testing SSL for a while and it working well I think it's time to disable the http access to the board. You shouldn't see any real change. Let us know if you have an issue related to it.

Epele added a few news things to the code. The biggest you'll notices is you can now post without smiles being substituted once again.

For those who run AB2.5 themselves we've gained a rank editor finally. Should make adding new ones easier. (Those of you who wanted to make a rankset.. we may open up a chance to submit one. We'll see. :D)

There have been some back end changes that just speed up country lookups as well.

Finally Epele also created a orange theme that's very halloweeny if you would like to go with the mood of the season. Give it a try!

That's for now. Have a good one!


The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Code updates
Posted on 08-13-18 07:10 PM, in Code updates Link | ID: 139770
Site Administrator
The Sorceress.

Level: 237

Posts: 18836/20774
EXP: 207230936
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Since: 01-01-12
From: UK

Last post: 1134 days
Last view: 11 hours
I thought I'd keep you updated on some of the things that have been updated recently.

There's been some clean up and consistency changes code-wise, nothing that impacts your posting experience.

The log out link, among other things, has been secured. Nobody can force you to log out without your unique token now. Tokens are also stripped out of last-visited page links. Nobody can spy on your tokens.

The YouTube tag has been upgraded. It's now smarter than before.

You can now paste an entire YouTube url, or just the video ID as before. You can also paste in a limited set of parameters too. Start time, End time and display related links options are supported. Any other parameters will be stripped.

An example of the tag change is below

Enjoy sharing videos of epic fails and cute animals with your fellow posters.

The world could always use more heroes!

Server Migration Information (SSL Enabled!)
Posted on 04-09-18 12:08 PM, in Server Migration Information (SSL Enabled!) (rev. 5 of 04-11-18 12:26 PM by Emuz) Link | ID: 130260
Site Administrator

11 Hit Combo:
Mother's Rosario
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Since: 12-30-11
From: Akron, Ohio; USA

Last post: 196 days
Last view: 1 day
UPDATE: SSL enabled and cert set. Enjoy the secure posting experience (until I forget to renew it lol)
UPDATE: Migration complete.

Hello all,

Quick Status Report:
Migration of the avatar data is complete and all the board changes have been made final.

Right now I plan to start the final migration on Saturday 7pm EDT (1 hour after KCS Time). There is usually a lul in activity and it will give me enough time to work out any snags. However, if I get a good solid chunk of time this week I may do it sooner. If that's the case I'll update this announcement no sooner than an hour before hand. I will also announce it on IRC/Discord at the sametime. (Note: This is unlikely as this is a busy week for me.. but if I get a chance I would like to get everything finished)

The final steps I need to take involve moving the domain to the new IP, getting a cert issued for https, and migrating the database. Since we're dealing with DNS changes some may not get the update at the same time. Hopefully the DNS gods will smile on us and update properly. (I did have an issue earlier that it didn't propagate due to a registrar issue that was out of my control.. hopefully it doesn't pop it's ugly head back up.)

SSL cert hopefully won't take long after that. Once I have that it's all on me... DB migration will be pretty quick as well.

I would recommend if you don't either joining our discord or irc to keep up to date. During the down time it will be the best way to find out status and keep in contact with everyone. :)



The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Server Migration is Coming soon. (Avatar Uploading is Locked)
Posted on 04-02-18 12:19 AM, in Server Migration is Coming soon. (Avatar Uploading is Locked) (rev. 4 of 04-07-18 03:43 AM by Emuz) Link | ID: 129843
Site Administrator

11 Hit Combo:
Mother's Rosario
Level: 109

Posts: 3129/3393
EXP: 13681841
Next: 277804

Since: 12-30-11
From: Akron, Ohio; USA

Last post: 196 days
Last view: 1 day
***Addition: Avatar uploading should be locked. Thanks for your patience!
***FIXED: I also fixed the mistake I did with the minipics. Uploading of them has been restored. I didn't actually intend to disable the uploading of them. :)

Sometime in the near future (I don't have an exact date yet.) Kafuka will be migrated to a new server. In order to make this easier Friday of this week I will be freezing avatar uploads. If you wish to make any changes to your avatar or mood avatars please make sure to do it before Friday.

Additionally during the migration process the board will be down for a while. Could be up to a day.. or as little as 15 mins depending how kind the dns updates are. I'll discuss the details closer to the actual migration. I just wanted to give everyone a heads up.

Mostly I want to lock down the avatars so I can migrate those in advance to make it as smooth as possible.

Thank you,


The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Welcome to Facebook! **APRIL FOOLS 2018**
Posted on 03-30-18 12:26 PM, in Welcome to Facebook! **APRIL FOOLS 2018** (rev. 3 of 04-01-18 11:14 PM by Emuz) Link | ID: 129640
Site Administrator

11 Hit Combo:
Mother's Rosario
Level: 109

Posts: 3106/3393
EXP: 13681841
Next: 277804

Since: 12-30-11
From: Akron, Ohio; USA

Last post: 196 days
Last view: 1 day
Note: All this was part of 2018's April Fools Joke.


Welcome to Facebook! You site was recently acquired by a very aggressive negation proceedings. We at Facebook would like to let you know we will sell every last bit of your information in exchange for more information we can use to sell you all the things you never wanted. Here at Facebook we also believe you are the product. So product. say good bye to those wonderful uniqueness and hello to nothing but mediocrity!

Your's truely,

-Mark "Eff'n Zuck" Zuckerberg!

There are many rumors floating around as of late and I figure it would be best if you heard it from me directly. Yes I have been approached by a 'yet to be named party' a few days ago who has shown interest in possibly acquiring Kaufka and it's assets for a large sum. I've told them twice now that the answer is no. They asked me with a substantial offer and was asked to contact them via conference call to hear a final pitch. I'm going to hear them out only to get them off my back. (hahah if I don't back Nicole and Epele get to fight to death over the right to challenge KP for the throne bwahahaha..).

So we'll see. I'm not at liberty to answer any questions about it and if you ask I'm just going to ignore it.

I'll keep you informed of course but expect nothing out of this! :norikowink:


The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Kafuka DNS Update
Posted on 03-22-18 04:21 PM, in Kafuka DNS Update Link | ID: 129347
Site Administrator

11 Hit Combo:
Mother's Rosario
Level: 109

Posts: 3091/3393
EXP: 13681841
Next: 277804

Since: 12-30-11
From: Akron, Ohio; USA

Last post: 196 days
Last view: 1 day
Hi everyone!

I just want to let everyone know that I will be doing to some adjustments to the DNS for kafuka and it's various subdomains. This could result in short term disruption of the board. For the latest news visit our Discord or IRC channels for the latest if such a thing should occur.



The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Updates changelog
Posted on 03-05-18 01:14 PM, in Updates changelog (rev. 2 of 03-18-18 12:19 AM by Epele) Link | ID: 128371
Site Administrator
The Sorceress.

Level: 237

Posts: 17050/20774
EXP: 207230936
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Since: 01-01-12
From: UK

Last post: 1134 days
Last view: 11 hours
I'm sure some of you have noticed some changes in the board lately.

Here's a changelog of things updated this year:

* Filter on specific in-line css - Leave the fancy stuff out.
* Edit Post Bug fixed - Now you can edit your earlier post and reply, how cool!
* My Sprites page modified to limit size of sprites in the table - No more big fat sprites hogging all the page!

* Maximum character limit of 60,000 for posts and private messages - Try to not get cut off!
* Tuning for sprites system for large sprites - Less likely they'll try to flee off-screen.
* Thread tag system updated - No more washed-out tags.

* Smilies will no longer creep into your urls - Enjoy that XX​​_XXX.png file.
* The [​​IMG] tag defaults to including a max-width: 100% style to prevent page-stretching - No need to fear Trapster's photos any more.
* [​​youtube] tag is now in the 16:9 aspect ratio as per YouTube's default share settings - No more squishy videos.

* New visuals for Post Toolbar - Except some of the images are classics.
* Edit Thread feature that enables changing of thread icon and editing polls - Restricted to Moderators as you're terrible people.
* Threads can be now flagged as NSFW and filtered from the Latest Posts results - Think of the children!

* Clicking on a sprite no longer updates the url of the user's last view - We can spy on you even more now.
* Various small fixes - Less holes in this bucket.

* Minipics are no longer restricted to a fixed size - You can now use smaller images, like for ants.
* Toolbar doesn't appear if quick reply if you disabled it any more - It was forced to take behaviour lessons.
* Smiley button added to the post toolbar - Smile!
* Very slight adjustments to the post toolbar - If things look different, you're going crazy.
* Support for users to edit their own polls added - But we've not given you permission to do so.

The world could always use more heroes!

(post deleted) ID: 126206

Year #6 - ¶¬Ĵuşt Mőnìķaæ
Posted on 01-26-18 01:56 PM, in Year #6 - ¶¬Ĵuşt Mőnìķaæ Link | ID: 124104
Site Administrator

11 Hit Combo:
Mother's Rosario
Level: 109

Posts: 2940/3393
EXP: 13681841
Next: 277804

Since: 12-30-11
From: Akron, Ohio; USA

Last post: 196 days
Last view: 1 day
It couldn't have been me.
See, the direction the spackle protrudes.
A noisy neighbor? An angry boyfriend? I'll never know. I wasn't home.
I peer inside for a clue.
No! I can't see. I reel, blind, like a film left out in the sun.
But it's too late. My retinas.
Already scorched with a permanent copy of the meaningless image.
It's just a little hole. It wasn't too bright.
It was too deep.
Stretching forever into everything.
A hole of infinite choices.
I realize now, that I wasn't looking in.
I was looking out.
And he, on the other side, was looking in.

Umm.. okay? Well regardless of that interruption I just wanted to thank everyone at the start of our sixth year! Thanks to all the staff for running the place as well as the members to take a little initiative keep this place fun! Thank you for being a part of this forum everyone!

Here is to the seventh year! :D

The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Welcome to Year 5!
Posted on 01-02-17 02:03 AM, in Welcome to Year 5! Link | ID: 95701
Site Administrator

11 Hit Combo:
Mother's Rosario
Level: 109

Posts: 2878/3393
EXP: 13681841
Next: 277804

Since: 12-30-11
From: Akron, Ohio; USA

Last post: 196 days
Last view: 1 day
Thank you to everyone who is and has been a part of Kafuka. It's hard to believe that it's been 5 years!

Sorry I wasn't able to do a banner like I usually do. This year has been one that's pretty much directed me away from my usual activities. Life is life after all. :D.

Still I need to make sure to mark the occasion. I appreciate all the support over the years and everyone who calls Kafuka home.

Thanks you KP, and all the admins, and mods for keeping the place going! I don't think I could have done it with out any of you! Seriously. :)

While I may not be around IRC or the forums as been much at the moment I have better access to Discord do to the mobile nature of it. I'll be honest I am not that active there much as well due to life™, but it is actually more than most. It's become a bit more active as of late and I do encourage everyone to at least give it a try. I'd like to work with it more when I can finally get some breathing room.

I hope everyone had a good holiday and I look forward to the year to come!

Heres to the next year!


The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

First complete SMB3 hack, Communist Mario 3, is released!
Posted on 04-01-16 03:13 AM, in First complete SMB3 hack, Communist Mario 3, is released! Link | ID: 89533
Retired Staff
NES Game Aficionado
Level: 73

Posts: 1275/1354
EXP: 3448174
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Since: 01-02-12

Last post: 2263 days
Last view: 1771 days
Attention Kafukites! Head on over to the Communist Mario 3 Release Thread to download and play my hack! No, you don't have to patch it. (You're welcome.)

I'd appreciate it if anyone who likes it could spread this thing around like a wildfire.

Wii U Modding Section Opens; Minor Staff Changes
Posted on 06-10-15 01:21 AM, in Wii U Modding Section Opens; Minor Staff Changes (rev. 3 of 06-13-15 02:36 AM by Emuz) Link | ID: 85427
Site Administrator

11 Hit Combo:
Mother's Rosario
Level: 109

Posts: 2660/3393
EXP: 13681841
Next: 277804

Since: 12-30-11
From: Akron, Ohio; USA

Last post: 196 days
Last view: 1 day
Greetings All;

I have a few announcements.

First off I am pleased to announce we are opening up a new rom hacking forum! (Well the technical term is modding) shibboleet and Squiddy approached me about seeing if we could host a forum for the research & development of custom content for Wii U games. This being a brand new field has a lot of possibilities. Starting today the forum is open and shibboleet will take the lead. This forum will have it's own separate rules in addition to the main rules for Kafuka. Please make sure to read them. They will be posted inside the forum as a stuck thread.

Additionally I've shuffled the staff a bit. I have retired a few of the inactive staff members until such time they are active again. shibboleet has been appointed as a Local Moderator for the Wii U Modding forum. In addition I've moved KP up to Root (I guess Acmlmistrator it's called now heh) from Admin. His role has not changed. The reason he has been given root privs is to be a backup to me. I want to make sure that if I am busy or something happens there is a backup that can do a few critical tasks an Admin cannot do. I've worked with KP from the start on the project that became Kafuka. While this change is considered temporary, it will likely be for the long haul.

I would like to thank Squiddy for being the initiator of this idea. Without her this would not be possible. :)

I hope to see all those cool Wii U Mario levels soon!

Addendum: I've also added Marionumber1 to have moderation duties for our Wii U forum by recommendation of shibboleet. He is currenly not a part of over all staff. He will run the IRC channel (#WiiU), and help populate content on our the new forum.

The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Upgrade to 2.5.3pre *Updated 4/9/14*
Posted on 04-05-15 03:57 AM, in Upgrade to 2.5.3pre *Updated 4/9/14* (rev. 3 of 04-09-15 02:38 PM by Emuz) Link | ID: 84142
Site Administrator

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Mother's Rosario
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Since: 12-30-11
From: Akron, Ohio; USA

Last post: 196 days
Last view: 1 day
Hello all;

News as of 4/9/15: I've turned on the "Extended Profile" system for testing to everyone. They should just act like everything else in editprofile. Let me know if it there are any issues or it doesn't work for you.

Most of the issues should be resolved otherwise. Please let us know if you run into anymore. Hopefully I can get with KP This weekend and get the themes fixed from my boo-boo.

Kafuka has been upgraded to the current develop branch for testing. As this is still a beta build please let me know if you notice any issues and what they are.

The following changes have been made:

By Squidgirl:
*Various code cleanup and fixes
*All redirect pages have been replaced by instant redirects
*Legacy powerlevel permission system and token permission system removed
*Permission scope splitting such as editing your title, editing a specific user's displayname, editing all users' username color, etc.
*Error handling for forum not found, no permission, etc.
*Posting toolbar now has buttons that can be clicked as opposed to just the symbols
*Various changes to administrative pages such as undeleting groups, sprite category editor, calendar event editor, Administrator Tools
*Option in memberlist to sort by displayname
*Deleted Posts Tracker
*Yearless birthdays
*Announcement titles can now be edited by moderators
*Quickmod checkboxes for moderators
*Posts by forum, thread, and time of day
*Private messages have the posting toolbar and support disable post layout and mood avatars

My stuff is small and mostly cleanups. As always you can read the git log on bitbucket for the changes.

Edit: On the following.. got most of the assets back without issue. Just waiting on KP to be around when I am for some free time to go over the themes I may or may not have. I have commit them back into the tree this time. :)

Now for the issue on my part. While doing a merge I forgot that there was a change made to the faq.php. I had an issue with fixing the commit since both were different enough. So I attempted to back out of the commit. In doing so I forgot one important detail. git reset clears ALL untracked files. So that means what exactly...

*Sigh*. A lot of the Kafuka specific graphics files and themes were purged. Oh well I can 't undo it. I normally do a file tree back up too, but I failed to do so this time. I also normally do have git track it, but the last little bit I haven't since we really don't update Kafuka often. I do have everything, but it's not easily accessible at this hour, so I'll have to fix it over time. No worries, it won't effect anything major. Expect broken images sprites, badges, and maybe some themes that need updated. If you see anything like that point it out to me in case I don't see it. If you provided anything that is missing or broken contact me on IRC to resubmit it to me just to make sure it's the up-to-date.

Sorry about that. That stuff isn't the update.. Well enjoy the update.. or try to..


The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Results for the Halloween 2014 Layout Contest
Posted on 11-04-14 12:49 AM, in Results for the Halloween 2014 Layout Contest Link | ID: 78232
Site Administrator

11 Hit Combo:
Mother's Rosario
Level: 109

Posts: 2468/3393
EXP: 13681841
Next: 277804

Since: 12-30-11
From: Akron, Ohio; USA

Last post: 196 days
Last view: 1 day
Alright everyone..

The votes are in and we have our winners!

But first let me remind you of our prizes:

First place will receive a badge (), 10000 Coins, and 3 Frog Coins!
Second Place will receive a much less shiny badge (), 5000 Coins, and 1 Frog Coin
Third Place will receive 2000 Coins, and 1 Frog Coin.

So who gets what? Well the the almighty poll as spoken!

1st: Trelior. Moon.. want... to.. KILL.. ME>>>> Congratulations! :D
2nd: A tie! (not the kind you wear.) Epele for her cute layout witth the hungry pumpkin... and KP with a very festive layout that had the right amount of menace!
3rd: Nicole with her wonderful subtle but cute opposites. :)

Also we have given everyone who didn't already receive a badge one for their participation! ()

Thanks for participating and for your votes! Looking forward to our holiday layout competition in December! Start brainstorming!

The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Layout Contest: Halloween 2014
Posted on 10-09-14 11:02 AM, in Layout Contest: Halloween 2014 (rev. 2 of 10-09-14 12:53 PM by Emuz) Link | ID: 77525
Site Administrator

11 Hit Combo:
Mother's Rosario
Level: 109

Posts: 2415/3393
EXP: 13681841
Next: 277804

Since: 12-30-11
From: Akron, Ohio; USA

Last post: 196 days
Last view: 1 day
We have having a Layout contest... Please see "Layout Contest: Halloween 2014 " for details!

The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Server Migration: Initial Migration Complete!
Posted on 08-27-14 01:17 AM, in Server Migration: Initial Migration Complete! Link | ID: 74625
Site Administrator

11 Hit Combo:
Mother's Rosario
Level: 109

Posts: 2372/3393
EXP: 13681841
Next: 277804

Since: 12-30-11
From: Akron, Ohio; USA

Last post: 196 days
Last view: 1 day
Kafuka has successfully moved to a new server! This should help with the many issues we've had over the last 2 months or so. At the time of writing this DNS hasn't migrated over. It may take a few days for it to work so please use the alternate address: until it is completely migrated over.

Some things may not work quite right. Please let us know if you find any.


The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain

Server Migration (8/26/2014)
Posted on 08-26-14 05:38 PM, in Server Migration (8/26/2014) Link | ID: 74612
Site Administrator

11 Hit Combo:
Mother's Rosario
Level: 109

Posts: 2371/3393
EXP: 13681841
Next: 277804

Since: 12-30-11
From: Akron, Ohio; USA

Last post: 196 days
Last view: 1 day
Notice: Do to malicious program on DJ Bouche's sever we are going to have to rebuild the server than Kafuka is hosted in. Unfortunately I can't elaborate at the moment. Please save the following address: as when the site comes back up in may be under that temporary address as we build it. (doesn't exist yet)

Also you can check #kafuka and my twitter @possiblyemuz for status updates.


The Dynamic Profile Administrator™

"Never Knows Best"
Note: if you can see this my layout broke. ALL THE CREDITS WILL BE REVEALED!!
'Victory Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Chibi Dance Noriko' by @Haru__Kitsu.
'Deity's Night Out (Featuring Gabbie)'
by @thatsheepagain
Noriko Emotes by @Haru__Kitsu.
Side Bar Noriko by @thatsheepagain
'Noriko's Nature Walk' by @projectTiGER_
Emotive Noriko by @thatsheepagain.
"Space Candy Noriko" by BerryVerrine.
"Super Sharp Noriko" by Xionfes.
A gift illustration from the wonderful EverKinzPony!
"Magical Girl Noriko" by @cute_hospital!
"Patient Chibi Noriko" by @Ruii_ki!
'Dapper '60s Noriko' by @thatsheepagain.
'Shiny Chibi Noriko' by @inioli.
'Flower Veil Noriko' by @Sushiee_.
'Noriko in Realism' by @_Sarybuu.
'Noriko's Midnight Adventure' by @projectTiGER_
'Yukata Noriko' by @yunyunmaru_
'Birthday Wishes Noriko' by @thatsheepagain
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